/Tag: NaNoWri

30 Days of Writing – What I learned

During the month of May, I participated in a 30 Days of Writing Challenge. What a great experience! The host, Fiction Blueprints, did an amazing job of providing helpful posts on how to get started, developing the story and characters, and posted inspiring quotes to keep me motivated to write every day.My goal was to finish writing [...]

Victim, Smicktim!

NaNoWriMo is well under way and I'm knee-deep in keeping up with my word count, characters, and plot holes. Just for fun (like I have nothing else to do), I thought I'd talk about the victims in stories, specifically mysteries/thrillers. I don't remember exactly where I heard this (yes, my memory sucks), but someone said that [...]

By |2018-02-13T11:18:29-04:00November 19th, 2013|Categories: NaNoWri|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

NaNoWriMo – Is this the end?

IT'S HERE! The end of NANO! You made it! All that blood, sweat, tears, and missed episodes of your favorite TV shows was worth it, but is it really the end? Image courtesy of Arztsamui at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Heck no! It's just the beginning. Now that the 50K (or how ever many words you managed) is done, here [...]