/Tag: Elke Feuer

6 Tips to Stress Free Publication

Happy Friday! This month marks one year since I signed my contract with a publishing company to have my first book, FOR THE LOVE OF JAZZ, published. What an amazing journey it's been! There have been great times, times I wanted to pull my hair out, and times when I thought my brain would explode [...]

One Amazing Conference

Happy Friday! July was an exciting month for me with my daughter's first birthday and attending my third RWA (Romance Writers of America) conference in Atlanta. What an amazing conference! Several things made the event special CONNECTED WITH CRIMSON ROMANCE AUTHORS These were ladies that I'd chatted with online and was honored to finally meet [...]

30 Days of Writing – What I learned

During the month of May, I participated in a 30 Days of Writing Challenge. What a great experience! The host, Fiction Blueprints, did an amazing job of providing helpful posts on how to get started, developing the story and characters, and posted inspiring quotes to keep me motivated to write every day.My goal was to finish writing [...]

Half the Year is…Gone!

One of the marks of superior people is that they are action-oriented. One of the marks of average people is that they are talk-oriented.” — Brian Tracy This quote jumped out at me when I saw it. It was perfect for today's post since accomplishing your goals requires action, as much as I'd like to [...]

Goal problems? I’ve got solutions!

Today I'm talking about goals. I can hear the groans coming from cyberspace because you might be falling behind or off track completely, but here's the good news. I'm sharing tips on how to get back on track. In my last post, I shared my goals and their status now that half the year was gone. One [...]

What’s Your Daily 5?

Image courtesy of stockimages at FreeDigitalPhotos.net The last couple weeks I've been talking about goals, dreams and how to stay focused. Today I'm asking "What drives you daily? What keeps you focused on your dreams?" For me it’s my daily 5. Curious? Here's a link to Kelly L. Stone’s site, author of TIME TO WRITE, [...]

A Buffet of Romance

It's July 1st! Many people are gearing up for Summer, whether it's planning their vacation, or starting it. It's a special time for readers and writers who are planning their Summer reading list. For me, today is the first time my book, For the Love of Jazz, is being promoted as a KDD (Kindle Daily Deal) for [...]

Successful Author Traits – Here’s 5

When people find out I wrote a book I usually get two responses: 1. Cool! I've always wanted to write a book. I have this great story idea. 2. Where did you find the time with two kids and a full-time career? If the response is the first one, I invite them to join my [...]

Writing Challenge – Take Two

Welcome, welcome! Writing challenges are a great way to stretch yourself either in meeting a deadline or increasing your daily word counts. Here's what I learned from mine. Starting August, I'm doing another writing challenge to finish my story Deadly Bloodlines, book 1 in my Deadly Series. I'm at 48k words and aiming to get to [...]

My Autopsy Experience

When I posted on my Facebook author page that I'd be visiting the hospital to witness an autopsy, I was amazed by the responses which ranged from YUCK to COOL! It's research for my upcoming book, Deadly Bloodlines. My main character is a police officer and has a few scenes in the morgue with the pathologist [...]