/Tag: Deadly Race

3 tips for creating the perfect book cover

Book covers! Some authors love creating them whether that means using graphics or coming up with ideas. I float between loving it and running down the street screaming "no" at the top of my lungs. Why? Sometimes you get awesome ideas and other times you get zip! Deciding the first step is a challenge, so here are three tips to get [...]

What I learned writing my hometown

When I first started writing people always asked why I didn't write about Cayman. The truth? I write about where the stories and characters take me. I was pleasantly surprised when one of my stories (yes, it did decide) happened in Grand Cayman. Before I knew it, I had a four book series on my [...]

By |2018-02-13T11:17:54-04:00May 28th, 2014|Categories: Deadly Race|Tags: , , , |14 Comments

Why I love using funky dialect

I live in the Cayman Islands, and even within our three small islands, there's different word usage, dialects, and speech patterns. Caymanians have colorful words and expressions they use for everyday sayings. I wanted to bring that to my Deadly Series and have the sayings shine through the characters and stories. As my critique partner said, [...]

By |2018-02-13T11:17:58-04:00August 1st, 2014|Categories: Books|Tags: , , , , |4 Comments

A Deadly Race to the Finish Line

Releasing a book is stressful. What about when the person you hired to help bails while you're in the middle of organizing an event? AAGGHHH! ***Pulls out several strands of hair while running through the streets of Cayman*** Rather than cyber stalk the person or splash nasty comments about them on social media, I decided to chalk the [...]

Preparing for a Deadly Race

"I use Grammarly for proofreading because little green grammar gremlins are one step closer to taking over the world." November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWri), so I decided to use it as an opportunity to write book two, Deadly Race, in my Deadly Series. The edits for book one, Deadly Bloodlines, is in the hands of my [...]

By |2018-02-13T11:18:27-04:00October 30th, 2013|Categories: Deadly Race|Tags: , , , |6 Comments