/Tag: Cayman

Have you said Thank You?

In an earlier post I talked about goals and remembering the ones you completed that weren't on your original list. That got me thinking about the people in my life. Okay, I also read it on someone's blog. You caught me. :-) The post mentioned remembering to thank the people in our lives. During this time of [...]

By |2018-02-13T11:18:26-04:00January 3rd, 2014|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , |2 Comments

Preparing for a Deadly Race

"I use Grammarly for proofreading because little green grammar gremlins are one step closer to taking over the world." November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWri), so I decided to use it as an opportunity to write book two, Deadly Race, in my Deadly Series. The edits for book one, Deadly Bloodlines, is in the hands of my [...]

By |2018-02-13T11:18:27-04:00October 30th, 2013|Categories: Deadly Race|Tags: , , , |6 Comments

And the winners are…

What an amazing book tour! My head is still reeling from the wonderful reviews and that I didn't have to beg friends and family to leave a comment or keep me company. :-) Not to mention the very professional Goddess Fish Promotions and their reviewers. I couldn't have asked for a better book tour. Absolutely delightful! [...]

In the Hammock – Serena Clarke

Happy Saturday everyone! Today is an exciting day. I'm hosting my first guest in my hammock. The couch was nice, but I thought my guests would enjoy a view of the ocean where I live. Don't worry, there's still drinks. Please join me in welcoming fellow Crimsonista (author with Crimson Romance), Serena Clarke. Thanks so [...]

Write that Romantic Suspense already!

Image courtesy of thaikrit at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Happy Friday! Being a published author is amazing! However, your days are filled with so many things to do with your career that you sometimes forget (or can't find the time) to write that next book, especially if you're trying to promote your current book. I believe [...]

How a hero and villain inspired a mystery novel

Did you have a dream in highschool you didn't realize everyone knew? Image courtesy of Danilo Rizzuti at FreeDigitalPhotos.net I'm very  vocal, so it should've been a no brainer, but I was amazed at the comments from highschool friends who told me how happy they were to hear I got a book published as [...]

New Years Blog Hop

Another year is gone and with it comes the feel of a fresh start, setting resolutions, and crossing our fingers that we'll keep them this year. A friend of mine said she stopped making resolutions and decided to go with setting goals instead. That's what I'm talking about! So, this year I challenge you to [...]

By |2018-02-13T11:18:46-04:00January 1st, 2013|Categories: Blog Hops|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |81 Comments

I like it FAST!

I love fast cars. No, I don't sit on my couch on Sunday's watching cars go around a track for hours. That's not my style. What I do like however, is the look of fast cars, especially sports cars. I wouldn't necessarily want to drive one everyday, but on the weekends or to blow off [...]

By |2018-02-13T11:18:48-04:00February 13th, 2013|Categories: Writing|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

GOAL! That’s football right?

No, I'm not talking about football when I say goal. I'm talking about goals for 2013. In my blog, 2013 I'm kicking your butt, I talked about sharing my goals for this year and making myself accountable to well, you. I actually have a month by month breakdown which is more detailed, but I thought you'd [...]

By |2018-02-13T11:18:50-04:00February 5th, 2013|Categories: Get Organized|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on GOAL! That’s football right?