/Tag: Book marketing tips

3 ways to use public speaking to promote your book

Public Speaking is a talent some people take to like a fish to water while others, like myself, had to work at it. My previous boss encouraged me to speak at meetings and events, however most times I chickened out and deferred to him. When he left the company I was forced to do speeches and [...]

Babs and Barb Book Marketing tips and Giveaway

Please welcome, Babs and Barb who will be sharing their wonderful books and wisdom with us. They're also giving away two (yes two) of their books. Best thing? You get to pick which two. Now that's a deal! Take it away ladies! Today we are going to talk a bit about blog tours. Although most [...]

By |2018-02-13T11:18:23-04:00March 12th, 2014|Categories: Author Spotlight|Tags: , |11 Comments