/Tag: book launch

My new book is OUT!

5 LONG years have passed! I feel like the meme going around with the lady from the Titanic movie about how much time has passed. While it hasn’t been that long, it has been a minute since I published a book. My latest book, The Renovation, was released on December 15.  I debated whether [...]

By |2024-01-06T11:40:54-04:00January 6th, 2024|Categories: Writing Life, Books|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Why I Split My Story into 3 Different Books

A while back, I decided to work on a book I'd written over twenty years ago. One of the first books that I sent to publishers hoping they'd see the uniqueness of it. They didn't because the story was hopelessly flawed. When I decided to pluck it from the mountain of old story ideas and [...]

A BIG Thank You!

  photo credit: Free Digital Photos.net When I told friends and family about getting my book published, I was overwhelmed by the amount of supporters and well wishes. I never expected them to be as excited about my book as I was. People I never expected to bought my book, and even gave me a [...]