Deadly Family (Deadly Series Book 3)

Melanie McLean wants justice for her brother’s murder.

Persuading Lola Book

The last thing Jazz singer Lola Johnson wants is a man in her life.

With each kill, Angel must face the terrifying truth she’s been hiding for twenty years.

As the duo race to stop a killer, will they do so before Remy becomes the next victim?

19 authors from around the world were given 6 weeks or less to produce “a story involving a mother somehow.”

Restoration architect Josie Fagan takes on a project with lawyer and senator’s son, Patrick Pullman. It’s the perfect match.

What People Say About My Books

Elke Feuer does it again with “Deadly Race”! I was pleased to read this book, as I thoroughly enjoyed her book, “Deadly Bloodlines”. Once again, she introduces us to an amazingly strong female character, named Remy Borden. She is both a school teacher and a race-car driver.
Mystery with a Love story twist!, Deadly Race
From the opening sentence of her novel to the last sentence Elke Feuer’s Deadly Bloodlines held my interest. This is an unusual twist of the crime novel dealing with serial killers. Here we have inspector Angel Mason who suspects she might be a serial killer.
The Best Suspenseful Romance I've read to date!!!!, Deadly Bloodlines
This book holds a unique story line about a police woman who is haunted by her past. Her mother is a murderer who is locked away, and now the family curse has turned to her. The story was fast paced, I guessed immediately who was behind all the trouble, but still enjoyed the book.
Fantastic story line, Deadly Bloodlines