2017 is here! Where did the year go? Guess what time it is? Time to give a recap of 2016 and set goals for 2017!

I love this time of the year! I like to reflect on the year before, and identify my goals for the new year. I find reviewing my goals, celebrating my achievements, and assessing the challenges I faced helps me tackle a new year. Although I achieved other goals throughout the year, especially with CayWriters, these highlights were my biggest milestones.


  • Purchased A Townhouse

We moved to Florida in August and decided to rent an apartment instead of buying a home. We wanted to make sure we liked the area first. Within a few months, we started searching for a ome and purchased a beautiful three bedroom townhouse. While I don’t enjoy moving, unpacking all our boxes beat rummaging through them in storage.

  • My daughter started Pre-K

My daughter stayed at home with me when we first moved as I wanted to enjoy the final days of her childhood. She started Pre-K after she turned four, and while I was happy to get 3.5 hours to myself to write, I confess I missed her when she first started.

  • Obtained my US citizenship

This was a huge milestone as it came months earlier than anticipated. I applied for citizenship through my father instead of my husband. Remarkably it was approved in December 2016 instead of the anticipated July 2017. Laughably, I was the oldest person taking the oath, and was asked several times if I was there for myself or my son who accompanied me.

  • Wrote Deadly Family

The draft was extremely rough with tons of plot holes and unresolved issues, but I was grateful since the book was months behind. After all, I can fix a rough draft. I can’t fix blank pages.

2017 is a pivotal year for both CayWriters and my author brand. My goals take me far from my comfort zone, but I’m excited!

2017 GOALS

  • Publish Deadly Family
  • Launch Your First 5k
  • Write and launch Jumpstart Your Writing Routine
  • Write and launch Jumpstart Your Writing Goal
  • Write Jumpstart Your Author Platform
  • Write Jumpstart Your Story
  • Write a Christmas story

My goals are a bit ambitious as they require a ton of writing, but there is a reason.  My first year as a full-time writer proved challenging. We moved twice and I faced an unexpected health issue. I wanted to push myself this year and make up for lost time. Not to mention the line of characters insisting their stories need sharing, and they don’t plan to let me sleep until I do.

The Christmas story was an unexpected surprise since I’ve never been inspired to write one before. Thankfully, a couple of characters from FOR THE LOVE OF JAZZ stepped up to the plate-ready to tell their story.

I’ve never created or launched a program before, but I’ve been learning, and can’t wait to execute them. The programs involve helping writers reach their own goals-something I enjoy tremendously.

I’m excited to start my new goals, and I can’t wait to share my progress with you.

Do you set goals each new year? What goals did you set for 2017?