March 2-6 was reading week at my son’s school. First Baptist Christian School invited me to read one of the books they were celebrating, and to speak with students about writing, being an author, and my experiences on the journey to publication.

I attended Thursday the 5th, spoke with kids in grades 3-5, and had a fantastic time! The best part was the grilling questions from students, my son included, hearing their short stories, and of course the wonderful hugs and toothless smiles.

I love talking with students! Whether they’re second graders or high school students. Their enthusiasm is contagious and their questions keep me on my toes. The depths of their queries never cease to amaze me, and the excitement they generate fuels my belief that children’s dreams and passions should be cultivated not molded into what parents or society feels is best for them.

The teachers’ excitement was encouraging and I’m thrilled that tides are changing in Cayman when it comes to literature and arts, and pursuing them as a career.

Here are pictures of the students who made my visit special, and a now favorite picture of my son and I.


Special thanks to Mrs. Nyyssonen for inviting me to read and talk, and Mrs. Suckoo who is not only an awesome teacher to my son, but the talented photographer who took the pictures.