I’m all about the business plan, or so I thought until I stumbled upon these shorter, and a heck of a lot easier methods.

Business Model Canvas

Used mostly for quick product turn out, it works great as a summarized business plan.

Business plans are time consuming, not to mention overwhelming, and if you haven’t done one before, make you feel like you’re trying to disarm a bomb that’s about to blow up your business.

Most people have a basic idea of how their business will function, but that’s not always easy to translate into a beast of a document like a business plan. And let’s face it, not all businesses are created equally and fit into the typical business plan.

This method captures the essence of your business in a visual format you can easily update, all on one page, and in a way that’s more detailed than the traditional business plan summary. Now that I’m done raving, let’s get started with how to set one up. First thing you’ll need to do is ask questions about these areas of your business.

Who is my audience(s)?

What products or services will I provide?

What channels will I use to reach my customers

What’s type of relationship do I want to have with my customers

What are your revenue streams

What are your key resources (talent, capital)

Your key activities to create value (marketing, etc.)

Your key partnerships

The cost structure of your business model

You can create one in word or google documents, depending on what format you’re most comfortable with.

If you’re scratching your head because what I mentioned above doesn’t make sense, don’t worry, there are links at the end of the blog post taking you to a magical place with more detailed information, including app options.

Plan on a Page

This seven step plan is also one page. The process is similar to the plan above and asks questions about yourself and your business so that you develop a simple one page action plan to implement and accomplish your goals. The difference is it’s geared around writers.

Wondering what plan I use? The answer is both.

I used the first one to give me an overview of my business CayWriters and the second one for my author career. Knowing me I’ll switch back on forth between them to see what works best, but for now both are a lot simpler than the five page document and process I used to have.

I’ll be blogging more about the journey to form my company CayWriters along with tips I hope will help you. Here’s the first post. Follow my blog if you’d like to learn from my screw-ups experiences.

What do you like or dislike about business plans? Would one of these  methods work for you?

Click here for more about the Business Model Canvas

Click here for more about the Plan on a Page

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