Public Speaking is a talent some people take to like a fish to water while others, like myself, had to work at it. My previous boss encouraged me to speak at meetings and events, however most times I chickened out and deferred to him. When he left the company I was forced to do speeches and it was the best thing that happened to me. I grew to enjoy it and is a skill I can put to use in many areas of my life. What I didn’t realize is the various ways it can promote my book. Using public speaking is just one of many things I learned during the 30-Day Book Marketing Challenge (BMC). Here are three ways to use public speaking to promote your book:


One of my passions is encouraging people interested in writing to pursue their dream and pointing them to tools to help them on their journey. It’s currently done within the structure of my writing group, CayWriters, however I wanted to branch into other areas, but didn’t know how to go about it. The BMC gave me tips and tools for how to pitch to schools.

In high school I created a mock resume saying my objective was to write novels. My teacher told me to pick a realistic career. I’d like to change that mentality in schools where I live, and in the minds of teachers, parents, and even students. We lose something important in ourselves when we don’t pursue our dreams. I want to show them it’s possible to have a career in something they’re passionate about no matter how crazy it may seem. My book isn’t geared towards children, but I want to develop non-fiction books about pursing a writing career and speaking in schools is first step.

Many schools welcome authors to speak to their students especially around reading/writing week.


Most local libraries love supporting authors and the ones in Cayman are no different. I contacted the GT Library and proposed regular readings at the district libraries (for myself and the other writers in my group) and writing related presentations and discussions for kids and adults. Starting in schools and libraries is a great way to get your feet wet in small and comfortable groups before taking the plunge to the next option.


Many conferences/book fairs offer authors opportunities to present writing related topics through workshops. In addition to honing your speaking skills, it’s a great way to connect with other authors and find new readers. If you’re not comfortable presenting, try volunteering as a moderator and introduce the speaker or sit on a panel with other authors.

The Book Marketing Challenge course not only provide great tips and resources for marketing your book outside the box, it inspired me with new ideas specific to me, my book, and it’s content. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to learn how to market their book whether you’re just getting started or your book is already released.

Click here if you’d like more posts about my self-publishing journey.