Happy Holidays! Okay, it’s a little early, but that’s okay. One of the important traditions of my family during the holidays, is to remember and help those who are less fortunate or going through a difficult time in their lives. It’s the time of year that we dig into our pockets a little deeper to give a little more, either of our time, money, or giving something to another that will make them smiles and feel the joy of Christmas. It reminds us of the true meaning of Christmas and the reason for the season. Jesus and his love for us that should be shared with others. So, in keeping with tradition, I’m helping my fellow Chick Lit Goddesses promo their book which is helping to raise funds and awareness for breast cancer. Take it away girls!
Six Indie Authors Publish Holiday Book to Raise Money for Breast Cancer
Merry Chick Lit – Celebrate the Season with Seven Sassy Shorts Kindle e-book and paperback proceeds will go to Rocking the Road for a Cure.
Atlanta, Ga, October 8, 2013: Six international Indie authors from the U.S. and the U.K. have joined together to raise money for the New York based breast cancer charity, Rocking the Road for a Cure.
Authors Carolyn Ridder Aspenson, Sarah Hitchcock, Francine LaSala, Nikki Mahood, Holly Martin and K.C. Wilder each wrote a chick lit, holiday themed, short story to be included in the book. Several behind the scenes professionals also contributed their expertize to edit, format and publish the book.
The $0.99 e-book, available through Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Merry-Chick-Celebrate-Season-Shorts-ebook/dp/B00GPUXAEM/ref=sr_1_sc_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1387284694&sr=8-1-spell&keywords=merry+chicklit
“Orders can be placed to craspen@comcast.net with a note of the purchaser’s email address in the note section,”
Rocking the Road for a Cure is a growing 501(c)(3) nonprofit located in New York, dedicated to improving the quality of life of people undergoing the treatment for breast cancer. For more information on the charity, visit www.rockingtheroadforacure.org
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