October 5, 2013 was the very first HOME GROWN BOOK FAIR. It was an amazing dream come true.

Since becoming a published author December 2012, I’ve made it my mission to help and promote local authors of Cayman however I can. It started with a writing group and a handful of people, all of whom were either family or friends.

It quickly morphed into a group of over 40 people, all of whom, thankfully don’t show up every week, as I wouldn’t have space for them. CayWriters is also a group on Facebook and slowing morphing into a company I hope will make a big difference in the lives of local authors and the Cayman Islands.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. Back to the book fair. For a first event, it achieved the goals I set for it which was to (1) highlight local authors. A total of 17 authors were part of the event. (2) local authors be a role model to aspiring authors. Over 10 people signed up for the CayWriters group excited to start their careers and dreams and (3) connect the Cayman community with local authors and (4) connect local authors to each other. What a success! Relationships were made and ideas shared on how to connection with and help the community as authors, and exciting things are on the horizon for the authors who participated in the event.

For myself (CayWriters) the floodgates have opened for opportunities to further promote local authors and I look forward to sharing them with you as they come to light. But until then, enjoy these clips and photos from the event.


