LC 001_flippedIt’s been a long time since I had anyone on my couch, so I’m thrilled today to have my very first Crimsonista (author with Crimson Romance) Lynn Crandall, telling me all about herself. But, before I get ahead of myself let’s get on with the interview. Welcome, Lynn.

Thank you for having me today, Elke. Your blog is lovely.

Aww, thanks Lynn!

Tell me a little about yourself (mini bio)?
I enjoy the power of words to inspire and inform. As a freelance writer and editor, I write catalogue copy, ad copy, brochure text, feature articles and more. I’m also one of those freaks, I mean, amazing communication facilitators who enjoy editing. When it comes to writing I fiction, telling stories is something I began as a child when I tried to entertain my younger sister at night when we were supposed to be going to sleep. In the dark, my stories typically took on a scary or paranormal element — didn’t do much to put us to sleep. Today, I hope my stories still fail to put readers to sleep, but rather take them on a journey.

What genre do you like to write?
My first two books, Silver Wings (published by Kensington a number of years ago) and the recently released Dancing with Detective Danger are romantic suspense, but it just sort of turned out that way. I’m a pantser, and the story unfolds as I write. I’m also working in my head on some paranormal romance stories that I hope to have on paper soon.

If you were going to cast the hero for your book what actor would get the part?
This is a tough question for me, so many choices. I could see Keanu Reeves, but he may be aging out of that possibility, so maybe Alex O’Loughlin.

How likely are people you meet to end up in your next book?
That’s a great question! I see characters everywhere…

If you could time travel would you go forward or backward? Why?
I’m afraid I’m so sentimental that I would go back in time to see my children as tots again and those I love who have passed on. This sounds morbid, but one of my cats just recently died and my mom died six years ago, which still feels recent to me.

Tell me about either your latest WIP or book that’s out.
I’m presently working on a second book about one of the minor but mainish characters in Dancing with Detective Danger, Sterling’s sister. In the first book the sisters work together as private investigators and the second book follows their story, but focuses on Lacey and the path life takes her on as she deals with the death of her husband. In this excerpt (from the WIP), Lacey meets a man she considers her arch enemy, while “working” for the man’s young nephew in search of his lost dog.


Down the hall Lacey paused at another bedroom door. “When does the cleaning woman come?”

“Every morning about 10:30.” Jason slid behind Lacey to step into his uncle’s bedroom, oblivious to her assumption. “My uncle gets up early, way before me. But Snickers gets up with him. Uncle Jake feeds him for me.”

“That’s nice.” Lacey wondered what the room would look like if “Uncle Jake” didn’t have the luxury of a maid. A dark chocolate satin comforter spread neatly across the king-size bed that sat near the windows of the spacious, L-shaped room. A teak-wood ceiling fan gently stirred the air conditioned air and whirred quietly above the bed. Two teak-wood chests of drawers sat like centuries on the long wall. A soft brown suede love seat sat empty of books, writing pads, or anything that would convey the presence of the man who occupied this room. Nothing was out of place.

Beautiful but subtle carvings of boxed flowers embellished the warm wooden doors that opened into the grand, walk-in closet. The man enjoyed beauty, that was clear. But the tidiness made Lacey’s skin itch. Drop a wadded tissue, leave an empty glass, something to prove something with a beating heart lives here, she thought to herself.

“Boring, huh?” quipped Jason as the two of them stood inside the closet. “I bet my uncle has about a hundred black suits.”

Lacey giggled as she left the closet behind in her survey of the room. “And another hundred grey, brown, and blue suites.”

Walking into the master bath, Lacey stopped short. “Geez! Now, that’s a bathtub.” Her voice echoed slightly against the marble tile walls and gray slate floor. A large white and gold marble whirlpool tub, deep enough to disappear in, was framed on three sides by frosted glass windows and a small garden of palms and feathery ferns. On another wall stood a shower stall sporting a gold rain-head shower head and etched glass doors.

“Hi Uncle Jake.”

Jason’s greeting made Lacey jump out of her skin. Retreat was impossible. She turned to face the square shoulders, tall frame, and solid jaw of a dark-haired man. “Uncle Jake, I presume?” She wasn’t doing anything wrong, so why did she feel as though Brad Pitt had just caught her picking her nose?

What a fun excerpt, Lynn. Thanks for sharing and for hanging out with me. You can contact Lynn at:

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Dancing with Detective Danger cover