Did you get an e-book settlement? Don’t give them your money back!

Traditional publishers raised e-book prices, and the legal system went after them for it.

You may have recently gotten notified that you are getting some money back from them.

This is your risk-free chance to discover a great book you’ve never read, and to support the new way authors connect with readers.

Sure, you could take your settlement and buy one book from a tradpub or use that same money and buy several books from an indie!

More to read for you, and you help shape the future of publishing.

photo credit: Free Digital Photo.net

photo credit: Free Digital Photo.net

Check out books by these indie authors.

Suzanne Ferrell
Shelly Hickman
Nikki Jefford
Martha Reynolds
Isabella Louise Anderson

I hope you enjoy them and it inspires you to check out more books by indie authors.